Sunday, July 31, 2011


This week I went to Vacation Bible School. The start of the week was hard for my brother Sam who cried and really wanted to stay with me. He came up to me after the first day and gave me a huge hug. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot! We sang great songs, did art projects, learned Bible stories, and even had yummy snacks every day!

We had free time in the morning before we went to the church to sing. I loved the toys.
My friend Carson enjoyed VBS too! The theme was Pandamania, but I told the teacher, "No, thank you when she asked if I wanted panda ears.
Early in the week my first butterfly hatched out of it's cocoon! So exciting!
Having fun in the car sitting next to cousin Maggie. We just couldn't stop laughing at each other.
Cousin love!
This was one of my favorite teachers, Miss Sally! She was great!
We all met in the church in the morning and before we left to sing together and go over the theme for the day
That is me sitting in the front row, right in front of the music guy! I have loved singing my songs, even my brother sings with me.
I stuck close to Kenzie the whole time. She was a high school helper and here are a couple of my projects!
The sun came out for our last day ice cream social.
Doing somersaults in the slip and slide during an afternoon visit from the sun
I love summer!
Taking a break for some mama snuggles
Feeding my butterflies their sugar water
Mama and dada took us on a surprise trip to the zoo on Saturday. They didn't tell us where we were going and we ended up at the Vancouver Zoo.
Checking out some animals
Mama and I waiting to ride the train. It was super fun and even went in a scary tunnel!
Such a fun day!
Taking a break to cool off with some popsicles
I just loved the donkeys and monkeys

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