Wednesday, February 22, 2012


We love our church and the liturgical year. Today we entered into the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday and we have a few fun traditions we have in our house that I wanted to share.

First we have our "Lamb of God." We use this to count the 40 days of Lent. Each day we add a cotton ball to the lamb until he is all filled up which means it is Easter!
Painting our crown of thorns. We made it yesterday and painted it today. Each time we make a sacrifice or do a good deed we get to break off a thorn. We do these good things to grow closer to Jesus during Lent.
We really love the Catholic Icing Blog and this is a calendar that she created. We have used this the last two years and love to share it with our friends.
Putting our first cotton ball up today. Sam wanted to do it too and was crying so I took it off and handed it to him to put up. I think I am getting these good deeds down.
Teamwork! He loves to paint with me!
We can't have Ash Wednesday without Mass. You can kind of see my ashes left on my forehead. I remembered the words perfectly, they say, "Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return."
Our finished centerpiece. The liturgical color is purple so we added a purple cloth and candle.
We also participate in an online program called Holy Heroes Adventures. They have activities, prayers, and videos to watch. It is great, if you haven't checked it out, you should!
We learned today about praying, fasting, almsgiving, and righteous deeds, the themes of Lent. We look forward to the journey over the next 40 days in growing in our relationships.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


We had a great visit over in Spokane during the weekend. We left on Friday and came back on Monday so we had an extra day to visit and enjoy family. While we were there we celebrated Papa's birthday along with my dada's early birthday. Grandma and Papa planned a nice family dinner where all the family came out. While we were there it snowed a little bit, just enough for my daddy and I to build my snowgirl Caroline.

Great Grandpa and I enjoying dessert
Hanging out with Uncle Bob
Me and Caroline!
We didn't take a lot of pictures this trip but I'll update tomorrow on my Lenten plans. Happy Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fun February

This past week we had some guests over for dinner (friends from Daddy's work) and my brother and I really enjoyed the company. It was nice to meet one of my dad's friends who has been following my blog since I was a baby, thanks Carol!! I also had a fun weekend with a trip to a new museum with my Cousin Maggie, a trip to Kid's Church and met a new friend, and some outside time to play. We are headed to Spokane soon and I can't wait!!

Thanks Grandma Bonnie and Papa Jim for the Valentine's Package!
Playing out in the rain, luckily we haven't had too many of these days this winter.
The museum in Everett is amazing!! Friends, talk your parents into driving you there!
I just love my cousin!
Maggie riding one of the animals they had in the "farm"

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A February Family Update

We have had beautiful winter weather here the last few weeks so we have been trying to get out and enjoy it. Sam and I have also been very healthy this winter, thank goodness. It may be because we have spent more time at home, especially with Mama and I doing a little school in the mornings and her working most afternoons. I have been enjoying my mama reading chapter books to me lately and I have been practicing sight words and doing some other prereading activities. I can read simple words, sound out short words, and it won't be long until I will be really reading to my brother. He loves books, almost as much as I do! I'm still doing gymnastics once a week, which I really enjoy other than being super tired by the end. I also like dressing up and dancing and singing around the house while I entertain the adults. My brother and I are getting very excited for our new baby brother who will be here at the end of April! Well, that is all for now, I'm off to keep playing with my dolls.

Sam and I at Lake Whatcom. We had fun exploring the little beach and playing at the park. We even tried to skip rocks!
Playing on the jungle gym.
Taking a little rest in my Dora Tent.
Two families that we know have coordinated bimonthly playdates. We get together every other week and do a little preschool activity and get to spend to some time playing. It is nice to have something scheduled and so nice to see friends. This week we got together at our house and made Valentines.More Valentine fun!