Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all our family and friends! We had a very nice and quiet Christmas this year and we are very grateful for all our blessings this year. Sam and I are still singing carols, and role playing the nativity story, good thing because we are still celebrating the 12 days of Christmas. This year was so fun because we really understood Christmas and all the festivities surrounding Jesus' birthday. Hoping you and your family had a blessed holiday too!

On the Wednesday before Christmas we drove up to Lynden and decorated Christmas cookies with some friends.
I'm busy making my pretty before I eat them but I don't think Sam cares. He actually cried after he took a bite because the shape wasn't the same.
Yes, that is frosting on my eyebrow???
So much fun!
On family movie night we watched the Polar Express for the first time. This is what I do when I'm scared, plug my ears. It was a little too scary for me, maybe next year??
Putting Jesus on top of the Jesse Tree.
Building a gingerbread house with Daddy on Christmas Eve
Waiting patiently to put on my yummies. Eating the pieces was just as much fun!!
All the candles are lit!!
On Christmas Eve Sam and I get to open one present, our new Christmas Jammies. We were so excited!!
Santa's helpers!
Christmas Morning! This expression is so true. Love my new Cinderella "barbie!" That is all I wanted from Santa.....a barbie!!
Grandma came over for daddy's special french toast before Mass on Christmas.
All dressed up ready to go see Jesus in the manger at church. I love my brother!
Opening my stocking
The beautiful nativity at church. Merry Christmas!
When we got home from church we opened presents under our tree. First though was opening the best present of all, baby Jesus. We read the nativity story and then Sam and I put him in the manger.Our nativity, now complete with baby Jesus
Opening presents, silly time!
I got so many neat gifts and haven't even begun to play with them all. Thank you everyone!
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Our Visit with Grandma and Papa

First of all, Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary! Wow, what a model for us all. We had so much fun with them this weekend. We baked, ate, played, read, and went to a neat light display. Our family is having such a fun Advent season and are looking forward to Christmas. Sam and I are learning all about the nativity story and enjoying the Jesse Tree again this year. Only 5 more days!!

Grandma and I busy in the kitchen
Concentrating hard on forming the popcorn balls
Ta Da!! So proud!
Warm Beach had a lot of fun activities for kids in addition to all the fabulous lights. It was our first time there and we really enjoyed it. This is me with my Auntie Julie, Uncle Kevin, and cousin Maggie on the train. We waited in line a long time but we did get to sit in the caboose!
A super neat red tree
Luckily we got in line right away for the horsie rides and we all got to go twice, right away. You should have seen how happy we all were!
The beautiful nativity scene. We loved the angel flying in the air.
Merry Christmas!
Being silly with Sam and Cousin Maggie. We all play so well together!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Fun with the Fam

My favorite thing to do lately is make my brother laugh and boy have we been laughing up a storm! I get pretty hyper but anything to get him to laugh. Last weekend we went swimming in the living room. We got our swimming suits on and made a pool, slide, and diving board. We also spent the weekend getting our Christmas Tree and decorating the house. Fun Family Times!!

I sure love him!
Getting ready to jump off the diving board, while Sam swims back to the side
We moved the table and chairs into my room (all by ourselves) so we could have a tea party
Waiting at the Port Festival to ride in the firetruck. Anything other than seeing Santa!! I decided I'm writing him a letter this year since I refuse to get near him. I like his hat though.
My fingers just couldn't stay off the Gingerbread houses....they looked so yummy! Maybe I'll get to make one this year?
Our decorated Tree!