Thursday, July 7, 2011

The 4th of July!

I'm a big 4 year old girl now! We had a fun filled day celebrating our independence day along with my birthday. It started off with swim lessons. I'm comfortably going under water, kicking while counting with the kickboard, and even diving off the side with help. I did go off the diving board a few times this session too! Too bad we don't have more sunny days here to go to the lake to practice my new skills. We did however get to go to the lake (Clear Lake down by Sedro Woolley) on the 4th with some friends. There was hardly anyone there and we enjoyed the beach and park there. After the park we were off to pizza dinner, followed by the waterfront, and then a few fireworks while I tried to watch the big ones. I stayed up past 10 but didn't want to watch the big ones (we can see them from the end of our street) because they were too loud for me. I told my mama "I only like the quiet and peaceful fireworks." Maybe next year?

My "trick" going up and down while putting my head under. I even opened my eyes under water!
Getting ready to dive
Mama sent me on a scavenger hunt for my present (she saved one for my "real" birthday since we celebrated on Saturday)
Finding the next clue. I think she must have thought of this last minute because no offense mom, but those drawings were not very good!
Finding the present, whew, finally!
My floatie...I'm ready to go!
Hanging with mama down at the waterfront after yummy pizza
Sam and I had to wait in line for the jump houses....I sure love my brother
Lots of people and a beautiful day
This nice lady painted a patriotic butterfly on my cheek
Happy 4th of July!
Riding the seahorse, mama tried to get the same picture as last year but the lighting was off
Eagerly awaiting nightfall
Supervising my dad roasting marshmallows...they were perfect!
Enjoying my smore

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