Sunday, July 24, 2011


What a fun week! I spent some time with my friends Maddie and Ava, went to a fun place in Mount Vernon called Jungle Playland, enjoyed a few days with my cousin, and ended the week with a fun-filled BBQ with friends. Tomorrow I start a week of Vacation Bible School. I'm very excited but not quite sure what to expect. This will be the first time my mama drops me off at something, rather than coming with me. I'll let you know how she does with that ;). I have been very social and outgoing lately though and have been making new friends every where I go!

Ava and I like to dress up and dance (just like big sister Maddie)
Jungle Playland has a big super fast slide. It even shoots you off the end on the padding.
This is my friend Keira. Her mommy and my mommy are friends from high school. We got along so well! She even came to my house later in the week for more time playtime together.
With my caterpillars. Did you know a caterpillar has 228 muscles in its head?
After this, we moved them into the big "observation tent" to watch them transform into butterflies
Playing dr. with Maggie. Don't worry, I fixed her up (then Dr. Sam came to check my work)
Playing with Keira at my house
Jumping on Lucy's, I love this thing!
All the kids eating ice cream... poor Therese isn't quite old enough for ice cream yet.
I sneaked in while everyone was still eating ice cream and practiced a few tricks
Summer is great, hopefully it lasts more than 2 days!

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