Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend

Wow, we sure had a busy weekend around here! First, Friday we went to one of my dada's coworker's house for dinner. They have two boys, a bit older and we played together for a long time. They had a super fun playroom with all kinds of exciting toys. It was nice to meet new friends. Then on Saturday my Auntie Joanie and her boyfriend came up and we spent the day hanging out and catching up. That night I had my first babysitter too! My mom asked me if I was going to have fun with her and I said, "I certainly am!" Then on Sunday we rode a train down to Seattle for the Mariner's game. My auntie, her friend, and my grandma and papa all came too! A long day, but we had fun!

I dressed up and put on a dance performance for our company

Pure concentration
Dancing away

Getting on the train. You should have seen Sam, he was soooo excited!

I was pretty excited too!

Hanging out with papa!

Go Mariners!!

My parents had to buy me a baseball hat because they were not prepared for all the sunshine. Definitely a nice surprise. Must be a Mother's Day gift??

I said the game was fun because I got treats, this was my favorite....cotton candy!! I enjoyed a few bites, but surely could not eat that much. Sam thought it was hilarious and could not stop laughing. (He didn't really eat any just laughed at sticking his tongue close to it!)

Blue teeth even!

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