Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Happy Easter!

We ended up spending Easter in the car driving to Spokane but the Easter Bunny did stop by my house! My parents went to the beautiful Easter Vigil, which I am just a little too young for (since it goes so late!). My dada was a sponsor for a nice young man and my mom taught the ten kids who were baptized. I had questions for her because I thought only babies were baptized but I learned that isn't true!
A few days before Easter we had an Easter Egg hunt in our backyard with some friends and I thought I'd share a few pictures of that. I will post pictures of Spokane soon, I promise!

Helping my mama decorate the cupcakes we made for our friends

Gluing up the last few cotton balls. Whew, Lent lasts a very, very long time! (But I learned a lot during that time)
Running to find the eggs....love it!

My friend Lucy and I stopping for a photo

She found the golden egg! (But she ended up giving it to me, what a nice friend!)

Jude and I stopping to eat some candy


I hope you all had a very blessed Easter!

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