Friday, June 10, 2011

A Sunny Weekend

A little late posting, but last weekend we had beautiful weather (finally!) My mama and Mrs. G spent Saturday morning having a garage sale, let's just say it was not a success. Maybe because everyone was out playing in the sunshine, as we ended up dong that afternoon! Mama went into the shed and dug out the sprinkler and pool later on in the afternoon! Our friends came over and we had a BBQ and played in the backyard with the bees. Update on the bees: My dad called and they are going to move them...hopefully soon!
This week was busy and I got to spend a few afternoons at school with the big kids. I really like the monkey bars there and especially love "reading" with the big girls. We are looking forward to a sunny weekend with not much on the calendar, maybe we will go swimming (I have been asking lately!)

Running in the cold water

We had to stop to rehydrate!
Taking a break

I sure love the sunshine!

Our adorable little friend Therese....isn't she getting big?

Sam and I watching a show favorites these days are: Caillou, Berenstain Bears, and Little Einsteins

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