Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Advent -Week 2

Advent is now in full swing and this week we went out and found our Christmas Tree and decorated the house -I even have lights and a nativity in my room! We also celebrated Saint Nicholas Day with a fun tradition of putting our shoes out the night before. I have been helping mom bake cookies, along with everything else. Here are some family traditions we have started....

This is my favorite Christmas Book....you should read it if you haven't already done so!

Our Jesse Tree...Sam and I made it with our handprints and we are adding an ornament everyday as we read the Bible story. The stories start with Adam and Eve and go through Jesus' ancestors up until his birth on Christmas.
Our Advent wreath and sacrifice manger. Sam and I get to add a piece of hay to the manger when we do a good deed or make a sacrifice. Jesus will be comfy upon his birth! Also we light the candles and say a prayer every night at dinner. So far we have lit the Candle of Promise and now the Candle of Light.
Out at the Christmas Tree farm with our friends. We found a picture of Santa there! Wow!
Mama and I posing for a picture in front of the tree we found
Watching intensly as dada cuts "The One!"
I had fun exploring with my friends and running in the "Meadow!"
It was super cold outside so after we got home I had to have some hot chocolate with marshmallows! Yummy!
Unpacking the ornaments with my brother
I made this one! Mama and I used some clay that rolled together and into a candycane
That night we went out to a restaurant and had pizza before heading to the chilly parade in Lynden. Jude and I sure had fun together!
I had fun on Dada's shoulders before the parade started. We were running around trying to keep warm.
Sam was in heaven, I on the other hand was a bit undecided. I loved the lights on the floats and vehicles but the noise was a little loud for me!
Decorating the tree on Sunday. I was a big help!!
Helping put the ornaments on top. I needed a little help after mama and dada realized all the ornaments were a little low ;)
At the port festival. This was pure torture. Do you know that we couldn't eat this candy??
This one had smurfs!! I don't even know what those things are but my parents remember them!
Posing for a picture...too bad brother won't sit still. Mama was trying to get some Christmas pictures of us together...challenging!
Cheese....cute one!
Saint Nicholas....he turned out great!
Finding coins in my shoe! I even traded my shoe out the night before finding the "biggest one." Saint Nicholas also brought us the Veggie Tale video of himself (which I really liked!) and a nativity to play with for the rest of Advent!
Helping bake cookies...notice the flour (not the flower, the flour!!) on my shirt?

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