Thursday, September 4, 2008

Labor Day Trip to "The River"

My daddy's family has beautiful property over on the Pend Oreille River near Ione, Wa. We headed over the North Cascades Highway on Tuesday and stayed the night in Winthrop. This was a great break in the LONG drive! My mom packed all kinds of books (my favorite these days) and I did very well in the car. The next morning we continued our drive and headed for The River!

When we arrived at the "cabin" I got out of the car and said, "Wow" and emphatically signed water over and over. My parents thought this was pretty funny, especially since we live by the water and see it quite frequently. I also decided it was time to start talking. I try to repeat almost everything and say all kinds of things now such as duck, up, down, cracker (my mom's favorite), ball, and of course my favorite, ruff. It was our family's last summer vacation and it was great! I got to see my dad's whole side of the family and we had a lot of fun. Here are some pictures of the things I enjoyed the most (WARNING.....LOTS OF PICTURES)

What shall we have for breakfast? It is my turn to cook for everyone
I don't get ice cream at home....vacation rules!
Here fishy, fishy, fishy
The closest mom and I got to the chilling water
Here Annie, I am ready for my kiss
Reading a story with Grandpa
We went to Gardner Cave one day. This is as far as I was willing to go -scary. Grandma luckily came and rescued me.
Walkin' to the dock with dada
I am serious, we are far from shore!
Drivin' with dada
Helping my Great Auntie Debbie do Great Grandma's hair. I am sure glad they didn't forget me!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Cute pictures, you always have Lily dressed so nice, she is all girl for sure.
