Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Entertainer

I am becoming quite the entertainer, between rhyming, telling Sam stories and singing along at church and in the car, my parents are quite amused. My favorite thing is to tell you what rhymes with the word you just said. "Want to read a book" will get you "book, took rhyme" and if I can't think of one, I'll ask you for an example. This afternoon I made up a story for Sam, it was almost 10 minutes long and hilarious. Ok, enough of my boastfulness - on to the pictures.

Running with Ava at the park
Pure joy!!
Do I look like I'm up to something?
Just trying to splash you Mama and no, Dad did not teach me this ;)
If we hang out under here, we can stay outside longer
Ah, the parade. Too many bands and not enough of the men driving in circles in little cars
This was a "small kid's cone" - I'm pretty sure the other size was "Your pants better have an elastic waist band"
"Swimming" in the bathtub

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