Monday, April 19, 2010

Tulips Everywhere!!

We went down to the Tulip Festival and I had a blast! I even got to have icecream! favorite part. There were so many different kinds of tulips and huge beautiful fields! Here are a couple quick pictures! I'm so busy playing outside these days...

I thought this tree was really funny!
These were some of my momma's favorites. I thought they were pretty too!
Brother and dada liked these multicolored ones.
Posing in the big fields. We were both more interested in the flowers than the camera (of course!)
These were shaped like crowns! Perfect!
Sam, let me give you a kiss!
We went to the park in Lynden for a picnic. I love the bars and but the rings are a little more challenging!
On your mark, get set, GO!!
Dada thinks he's fast, but I'm going to win!!

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