Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Brother!

My little baby brother just turned one on Saturday! Sometimes I still call him "My baby," but he really isn't that much of a baby anymore. We had such a fun weekend with family and friends! First, my Auntie Joanie came. I know it was Sam's birthday but I was lucky enough to get a present from her too! On Sam's birthday I decided I must have needed to rest up because I slept until 9:30!! As most of you know, that NEVER happens! So, I was ready to party party! We went to a Saint Patrick's parade before the party and I even got to see some of my friends down there. A few hours later the party began! I had so much fun seeing everyone and celebrating with my brother. Sam, I can't believe you are one already and I know that sometimes I can be a little rough and tough, but I Love You Brother! Happy Birthday!

My new Icecream Machine. Now, only if it were real icecream! (Thanks Auntie)
" Hey Jude, Look at those big horsies!!"
Watchin' with Max and Lucy!
I just love parades....but I do not love the camera.
Birthday love....AKA birthday tackle.
Constructing some cool things with my buddy. I think this lasted a few seconds and then I had to taste the construction.
Ok, I think I may want to try this?? Dadas, can I go in?
This lasted just a few seconds, but it was fun!
Ok boys! Girls are allowed!
Thanks for letting me play boys ;)

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