Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spokane's Christmas

Christmas came twice for me this year...I guess I must have been a good girl ;) We went to Spokane on Saturday for 4 days to visit the family and celebrate the holiday with them. I had a great trip over and my reputation for a good traveler wasn't changed. My brother even did better! Once we got there we got to open more presents. I got to see my Auntie Becky and Uncle Doug too! My cousin Maggie was even there! Wow, I saw so many family members and I have to say, I sure am loved! We spent one day in downtown Spokane having a lot of fun! I can't wait for our next trip!

Look at this bear! I was quite confused by the cries and sounds but I fed him and he went to sleep! Fun! Thanks Pam, Brian, Carlee, and Tayler.
Auntie Becky and Uncle Doug got me these Elmo hands! They tickle!
My parents got me a feeding set for my babies and I just had to take it to Spokane with my babies.
Snuggling with Grandma and Maggie while we watched Wonderpets (my favorite!) There wasn't a lot of sleeping going on!
We went to Grandma's work and saw her new office!
I got to go down the huge slide at the park!
See how huge it was?
What would a Spokane Blog post be without a picture of me on the carousel?
Maggie and I were holding hands in our bright yellow taxi strollers. Thanks Grandma...I really liked this!
Great Grandpa hosted a wonderful dinner at his church and Auntie Becky bought Maggie and I these really neat dollies that I can dress. We played with them for a long time!
More snuggling with Maggie!
I had a great time in Spokane! Thank you to all my family for the gifts and good times! I love you all!

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