Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Zoo!!!

I was bummed that we had to cancel our trip to see my Auntie Joanie, but wow, it is just too hot! It is supposed to get into the triple digits in Portland this weekend and I don't think that sounds very fun for my brother or even me. Maybe we will get to see her later this summer or early fall? Anyway, my dada still had Friday off so we decided to do something fun! My mom was determined to get me to see animals at the zoo this summer, so that is what they decided! I had so much fun and enjoyed seeing the many animals. My favorite were definitely the monkeys and elephants, but we also saw bears, lions, flamingos, and much more!! Mom's favorite comment of the day....while looking at the gorillas I said, "He doesn't have any clothes on!" They will laugh at that for a long time to come! Here are some pictures from our fun trip....

Checking out the bears....they were playing. It was exciting!
The penguins were having lunch

This is the gorilla...someone find him some clothes!!
Checking out the flamingos with momma
The "hooge" mommy elephant
Posing with the baby elephant
This is soo fun dada!
My souvenir...a monkey of course (I picked it out!)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Cute pics, what zoo did you guys go to?