Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Lily!

Yeah, I'm 2! (Or as I say...."2 years old.") I had a great party with many of my family members and friends. I heard talk of fireworks and many of my friends got to go see them, but I was too tired from the days events that I had to crash in my comfy bed. I didn't even wake up from all the booms from the mom and dad says that is pretty impressive! Maybe I will be ready to see some fireworks next year?

I'm so lucky to have so many people who love me! Now that I am two years old I like to do things all by myself. I know all my colors and some shapes. I'm asking questions and continue to talk up a storm! I mimic my momma and dada when I play with my dolls and I give myself timeout (when needed)! Of course, I still love to be outside and I'm getting so big!

Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate with me and all of the birthday wishes for those of you who couldn't make it.

Brother gave me a good morning birthday kiss
A birthday hug from my cousin, lots of love!
Maggie and I enjoyed the sunshine and each other's company while swimming in the pool before the party started.
This is my new bike! Do you like it?
My cute cousin....she likes pickles just like me!
Taking a little rest in the backyard (after running laps)
Auntie Julie and Maggie Mae
Auntie Joanie reading to me...not even a party will stop me from my books!
Happy Birthday to Me!
Grandma Bonnie helping us out with the water table
I LOVED it when everyone sang to me!
Ohhh...look at this cool game!
What would I do without Elmo?
A cute puppy! Dad...what about a bigger version?

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