Thursday, July 17, 2008

My Daddy is Amazing!

Last Saturday my daddy did his first Triathlon, along with at least 200 other people. He has been training for months and did such a great job! It was at Clear Lake down near Mount Vernon. There was a great park, swimming hole, and lots to do while we watched. They even had a kid mini triathlon. I can see it now....(Someday!)

Before the crazy swim take off. They all left at the same time and it was crazy watching the water. My daddy is a very good swimmer!

After the swim he rode his bike then ran. I decided these cones needed to be moved a bit for the returning runners.
Daddy and Rob (whom he talked into doing the triathlon with). Proud finishers!!
My daddy finished 49th overall and 6th in his age group. Not bad for his first!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Wow! That's impressive! Good job Matt!