Friday, January 4, 2008

My Half Birthday!!

Hello Everyone! Today I celebrated my half birthday! Can you believe it? I am 6 months old! I started the day by going to play group with all my friends. I then spent some time with my friend Maddie and we chased each other (actually I was in the Baby Bjorn while mom chased Maddie). I thought it was so funny and cracked up! Then we went to lunch with my friends and Godmother. We went home and boy was I exhausted! Mom is trying to get me to sleep in my crib lately (not my favorite Amby Bed). So, I took a nap in my crib and then spent some time with dad when he got home. Here are some pictures of my eventful day!

Smiling is my favorite thing to do these days.
Do I really have to sleep in this big bed mom?
Avocados! One of my favorites (so far)
I can't believe I ever hated this. Bath has become so much fun! You should see me kick.

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