Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What I Have Been Up To Lately

As you read in the last post, my daddy is gone this week so Grandma and Mom took me to Portland to see my Auntie and all my cousins (second cousins). I even got to meet my cousins from Minnesota. Miles is only a few months older than me and I really wanted him to play with me but he was getting use to a new environment and I guess I am a little intimidating (my mom says). We went shopping (of course), went to the fair, and had some great food. I can't believe my mom doesn't have any pictures of the visit....she apologizes.

I am walking - that is when I feel like it. I do however still prefer to speed crawl or push my favorite cart, but I can walk and have been doing it more frequently. I talk a lot, most of which is my made up language. Waving to everyone is my favorite, even passing cars on our walks. I am really happy the last few days because my teeth have been feeling much better. I have 12 teeth now, including all four molars, which were giving me a lot of pain the last few weeks. Now I am really ready for that steak mom! August seems to be really busy, but I like it that way (as long as I get to be outside).

This is at the fair. Those of you who really know me, know how rare this is. (I NEVER fall asleep anywhere but a bed and that is with a pacifier and my blankie).
This is my Auntie and her new boyfriend. He was nice and made me laugh a lot. He even carried my mommy's diaper bag for her (wow, what a gentelman!)
My bed head
Ahhh Mom, do you have to take a picture?

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