Thursday, July 5, 2012

My Birthday!

I'm officially 5 and what a fun day!  I woke up with a little cold the day before and spent all night coughing but I still woke up happy and excited for my birthday.  Mama and Daddy came in with a huge bouquet of purple balloons while singing happy birthday to me!  (Don't you love that it is July and I'm wearing my Christmas jammies?)  And the day began!  .....Pancakes, a trip to the yogurt place, pizza, and smores!  As many of you know, loud noises are one of my least favorite things so fireworks did not entice me to stay up late.  Sam however had a blast with Daddy outside.  We bought a few and the neighborhood was crazy with their own show.  Then they stayed up to watch the big show from the end of the street.  My Auntie Joanie is here visiting and we will have my Fairy Birthday Party on Saturday, I'm so excited!!

Sam came up to wish me happy birthday and got tangled in the balloon madness!

Singing, round 2

Daddy made this microphone for my birthday interview, I should post that here, maybe soon?

Serious business here

Then off on my scavenger hunt for my present.

Sam helped me locate the clues and figure out where I was going

Yay, I found it!

I got a real camera!  This is so exciting!  (I think I may have already filled up the memory?)

Sam enjoying his frozen yogurt

Good thing the sun came out for my  birthday.  This frozen yogurt really hit the spot!

My birthday treat, cupcakes to come Saturday.

Grandma Katie came over to celebrate with me, we miss you Papa!

Opening more presents

Sam even got a present on my birthday!

These two decided to dress patriotic but looks like Nicholas lost a sock

Ready to go to dinner.  I have my new purse from Grandma Bonnie and Papa Jim.  It has all the necessities, including lip gloss!

Mama and I at dinner.  I'm getting tired!

Cheese, can't I go to sleep?
Sam had a fun way to eat his birthday skewer, silly  brother

A short second wind for a smore, don't worry I didn't eat all the brownie or smore

We had to get jumbo marshmallows since they were the only ones left at the store, have you seen those things?

I must be sleeping but these two had a blast.  Happy 4th of July Everyone!     

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