Monday, March 5, 2012

March Already!!

I can't believe it is March already! Only about 7 more weeks and I'll have another little brother! We are all getting so excited and almost ready. My parents have decided that I will be going to school at Assumption in the fall to attend Kindergarten. I am soo excited!! We went to an open house and I met the teacher and saw my future classroom. I told my mom that I better bring my lunch box to the Open House. She was able to substitute in that classroom a few times this year as well, I wanted to go along the last time. Because of this decision we have taken a little break from "school" around here and have been just focusing on Lent. Sam and I have enjoyed playing with each other and just being kids.

Being silly. Too bad this doesn't add curls!
My fancy Mardi Gras Mask
Having a tea party with my brother today. This kept us entertained for a good hour and a half at least!
The sun came out and Mama and I made these paddles out of paper plates and popsicle sticks (Thank you Pinterest). They were great to hit the balloon around with. I was able to keep the balloon afloat for about 10 hits! Maybe tennis is in my future?
I think I was focusing more on the camera here....oops!
Coloring my raining day scene on the window. It poured this morning and I think my sun in the picture helped the real sun come out this afternoon!
And then the snow came this evening. How weird!!
I had to go out and play in it for a minute, don't think it will last.

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