Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 2011

Not much is new here but I had to drop in to update with a few pictures. We have been trudging along with school, which I enjoy and it is a great way to keep us busy on these rainy winter days. I had a pretty bad cold (since Christmas) so the dr. gave me some antibiotics (the first time I have ever had to take them). Well, I gave my parents a fight and it took a whole jar of Nutella to get the medicine down...whew! I'm missing those chocolate smoothies though, good idea guys!

My dada is in Eugene for the week so I got to attend school with mama on Friday. I had soo much fun! I sat in the rocking chair and "read" stories to one of the "big girls" for a very very long time. I'm really good at making up stories now and was even rhyming my made up stories like I hear sometimes! She loved them and then I colored and drew with another big girl. I sure do miss my dada though. I asked my mom to go get him and take him from his workers the first night. I think we will have to start a countdown chart! Well, here are just a few snapshots of my life lately...

I like to stay in my jammies and these are my favorite "kitty jammies." I was doing an art project with marshmallows!
Playing with my friend Jude! We have missed each other lately!
Another thing I enjoy lately is helping my mom in the kitchen. We made cookies, a cake for my grandma's birthday, and I like to help out with the meals too!
I don't know why I see my brother's face looking like this in all the pictures of me hugging him, I think I'll have to try something else
Mama liked both of these pictures so here they are...
Ta Da!
"Fishing" with my brother
After the beach we always wash brother and I got carried away playing in the water. He jumped around in the puddle so much he had to change all his clothes!

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