Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sad Days

More sad days here in the Williams' household, although this is a different kind of sad....I let go of my binkies!! Yes, I know I am 3 and such a big girl but I sure love those things (and still do...I still ask every day and am very sad about it especially at night). I told my parents that "It doesn't work to go to sleep without them," and several other comical comments about losing my binkies. I think they tricked me but I thought it was great letting go of them and letting them fly away with the balloons. Afterward mom took me to a special place in the mall and I got to make a bear (or kitty) and dress her up. Now I can squeeze her when I really want my bink. I also got to go swimming at the pool....what a special day and I forgot about the binkie until it was time to sleep. Wish us luck!! (And for those worried about the balloons being litter, not to worry. Those are special balloons designed to home in and land in a landfill, or Canada :))

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Way to go Lily, such a big girl now!