Monday, August 17, 2009

Spokane, Summer 09

We just got back from a week at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Boy, it was fun! We had to spend a lot of time in the car to get there, but luckily my Auntie Becca sent me a wonderful travel pack with lots of entertaining toys and books! Once we got there we had picnics, tea parties, and I got to see so many family members. There were so many pictures so here are just a few....
Oooo, this is a big sandwich! Eating in the car trying to get there as soon as possible!

Are you ready yet? (one of the first things!)

The fun even has horns!

We went up to Green Bluff, which is group of farms. We wanted to pick raspberries, but instead got to pick apricots. Mmmm!

Too Heavy! Can anyone help me?

I really enjoyed pushing by baby Samantha in this neat stroller! Did you know this was my Auntie Becky's?

Enjoying dessert at the picnic

We took a few days and went up to "The River." The weather wasn't that great but it didn't stop us from getting in!

Splashing and throwing rocks

Definitely not as warm as Grandma Bonnie's pool!

Great Grandpa gives good back rubs!

When we returned to Spokane there was a big rain storm and this was the result!

Mid jump (you know how much I dislike being dirty so this was pretty funny)

Visiting with my Uncle Jim...he's soo funny!

Riverfront there are a lot of fun things to do down there!

This was my favorite! The merry-go-round again!

After the park we went to P.F. of my parents favorite restaurants in Spokane. This huge horse was outside. I loved it!

On the last day we were in Spokane we drove all the way up to the clouds! (Mount Spokane, where my dada used to ski a lot.) We explored and it was exciting!

Grandma Bonnie found this neat rock for me. Thanks!

What a view!

Serious Mariner's Fans! (Grandma and Grandpa were going to the games last weekend and you know how much I love my Mariner's shirt.)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Love the photo by the Trojan horse in front of PF Changs...we took a similar one just a few days ago! Lily sure does look a lot like her mama!