Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Finally...My First Christmas!

Merry Christmas Everyone! Boy, it was a long Advent season. This year we spent Christmas with my Grandma Katie and Auntie Joanie. Unfortunately my Grandpa Bob had to work on Christmas. What a bummer, although I did get to talk to him on the phone. I am getting pretty good at my talking. My Christmas began at our house with a delicious breakfast (only I just got to watch!!). It followed by a nice brisk walk and then we headed to Grandma's to open presents and have a delicious dinner (again, I only got to watch). I received a wealth of great presents (THANK YOU EVERYONE!) and I especially loved the wrapping paper! Wow, I am sure a lucky little girl.

When can we start? I am just too excited!

Baby Jesus is born! (Putting him on the Nativity)

Wake up Auntie Joanie, it is time to play! Santa, I am supposed to sit on your lap.

My parents said I was a gift, but did they really have to wrap me up?

I must have been good, even if it was only for half the year.

These are mine dad!

Still smiling after a long day, but ready to go home.

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