Saturday, May 26, 2012

An Early Birthday Present!

Well, my real birthday isn't for a month but my parents decided since the weather has been so nice and to get more use of it, they would give me my present early.....a new trampoline!!  I was outside playing all day watching my dada put it together, what a project! Thank you daddy!  We all had so much fun this afternoon jumping, running, and laughing together.
In other news my Papa Bob came home and got to meet Nicholas.  It was so great to see him but he is off again for training and super busy.  We had a quiet week but enjoyed family time outside.  Mama even took all of us on a walk/run to the park.  The run there refers to the short spurts she had to do to keep up with me on my bike.  I'm going some longer distances on my bike sometimes even going with daddy on his runs.  We have been doing a lot of barbequing and ate outside tonight.  Happy Memorial Day Weekend everyone!

Papa with baby Nicholas
Sam and I taking care of baby Nicholas.  I was even sharing my blankie with him!
A smile captured :)
Sweet sleeping baby picture
After bath one night I let mama braid my hair for curls the next day.  This seems to work best for curls that last.  Don't I look so big?
Sam has been making forts to sleep in for nap time.  He puts a blanket down first to lay on then surrounds himself with his many pillows.  Silly boy, anything to build a fort!
This is Nicholas in the back of the stroller on our walk.  He was awake the whole way there, enjoying the fresh air.
Riding away.  Don't worry, I take lots of breaks picking up bugs and picking flowers.
Nicholas had his first bottle today and I got to give it to him!  He took it like a champ and I enjoyed being mini mommy.
And here are the trampoline pics.....

It was so hot we put the sprinkler under the trampoline to create some extra fun times!!

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