Friday, June 11, 2010


School is out, mom is done working, and yet where is the sun? It usually ends up coming out by the end of the day but this rain is getting really tiring! Oh well, soon I guess and another chance to practice patience. Wow, that is hard for a 2 year old! Actually, I'm almost 3 now! Can you believe it? Last weekend I got to meet my mom's good friend from teaching and her husband and little boy, Anthony. I sure liked him and have been talking about Seattle lately. Guess we'll have to go see him now.
Another really fun thing that happened this week was that I got to go to school with my mama. It was sooo fun! I warmed up to the kids quickly and had a blast playing with all the big kids on the playground. They taught me how to jump rope, and I showed them my gymnastics moves! Speaking of, I have to go get ready. Mama is taking me today!

Practicing my 3
Yummy! Eating watermelon...a rare photo of us both sitting still for a second ;)
Dada found me in the bathroom doing my hair just like mama! Cute!
This is our friend Yumin. She loved to play with me last year too!
I asked Julia if she would stand on one foot with me. She agreed!

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