Monday, June 21, 2010

Picnics and Portland

Last Saturday was a perfect summer day (yes, the only one we have had so far) so we had our friends come over and even got to run in the sprinkler -that was my favorite part! The mornings are usually gloomy and cloudy if not raining, but we are lucky and usually it clears up by the afternoon. One day last week we walked down at the park and I walked all the way from Boulevard Park to Fairhaven! Whew...I was tired but luckily the market was going on so I could rest in the Village Green and enjoy some fresh green snap peas and strawberries....Yummy!

Finally, we took a trip to Portland to see my Auntie over the weekend and I sure had fun. On the way down we stopped to see my mama's auntie and went out for delicious pizza, my favorite. My brother and I were so good in the car and wonderful sleepers during our visit. We are getting good at this traveling business ;) My Auntie has all the best toys since she works with little kiddos and has so much energy to play with me! We even went to the zoo!

BBQ hamburgers with my friends!
Catching some rare rays at grandma's house
My special flower from the market...too bad it didn't even make it home!
Fresh strawberries! Pretty soon we will be going in the backyard to pick these!
On the way down to Portland we stopped in Seattle for lunch (a crazy one of mom's ideas) but we got to see this really big penguin, which I loved!
Sam and I playing an intense game of Hungry Hungry Hippos
Auntie and I at the zoo
One of the coolest exhibits!
Riding the lion with mama
There was an elephant in there!
Another super duper neat toy....playing the stomp rocket in the rain!

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